Sydney's Birthday and Mother's Day came on the same weekend. We had her Amazing Race party, she and 11 friends, including Dylan raced around the house. I did too, trying to stay ahead of them with all the clues...I felt like I had run an actual marathon by the time is was over!!

On Sunday we headed to Magnolia to celebrate Mother's Day and continue the birthday festivities as Peyton & Sydney share their birthday! The kids swam and played and had cake.

End of soccer season for both kids. Dylan will stay with most of his team from Eclipse and will be playing indoor soccer this summer with the boys. Here are some pictures from the last game. Notice the "faux hawk"...

Sydney's team did really well this season. Most of the girls from her team will be moving to Developmental with Eclipse, same as what Dylan did this spring. More advanced training, this will start again in August. Here are some pictures from Sydney's last game.

Baseball has been keeping us busy, basically every other weekend we have tournaments scheduled. Here are a few pictures from the recent tournament at Baseball USA. Dylan's pitching is improving and he's enjoying it.

Over Memorial weekend Dylan's soccer team had a party at Fun Tiki, all the families came, the kids had a blast! Go Karts, video games, pizza and putt-putt.

More postings coming soon, I promise! I got a new "do" and my sweater is coming along nicely, just need to take some photos!
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