We've been attending mass more regularly lately and the kids have been dressing a little nicer for church, this decided on their own. Yesterday was Sydney's 1st Eucharist retreat at the church (3 hours) and then Darrin and Dylan were going to come meet us for mass at 5pm. Sydney and I both dressed comfortably for the long day we were going to spend at church. Capris and sandals (flip-flops for Sydney). Darrin and Dylan met us as planned, Darrin wore jeans and Dylan wore shorts but a nice collard golf style shirt. Why am I writing about how we were dressed? Well as we walked in to the church, one of the greeters approached Darrin and asked if our family would carry in the "gifts"...bowl with the host, chalis, and glass pitchers with wine and holy water, sort of like these...

Sydney was so excited, she said "Yay, we get to participate!" It was also Palm Sunday and we got the palms as we went in, I'm not sure I have ever seen this done, it was neat, Father came through the church with the large palm and sprinkled holy water and the congregation waved their palms. It was a wonderful beginning to this holy week. We made our palms into little crosses when we got home, they sort of look like this...

Mass seemed to go by really quickly, I think partly because of the anticipation of when we needed to go to the back of the church. It all went fine. It was a special feeling being a part of the service. Proud of my family and my children that are growing up in good faith. Yes, I wish we were dressed nicer and my hair looked better, but all of that really doesn't matter now does it?
Sydney said she hopes we get to do it again.